Month: April 2021

iota pollen

IOTA introduced the latest version of the Pollen test network that will work with two Coordicide modules. A few weeks after IOTA introduced Mana on its testnet platform, the blockchain project has improved testing with the launch of a new version of the Pollen testnet.

binance 2 Edited

Messari, one of the largest research companies in the cryptocurrency industry, criticized the recent rise in Binance’s currency, BNB. The blockchain platform of the largest brokerage firm in the world, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is one of the big reasons behind Binance Coin’s rise.

image 84 Know what is Binance Exchange and how to use it

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies. Since 2018 it has the largest exchange by trading volume. Lets Know what is Binance Exchange and how to use it, in depth!


The Simpsons are the longest-running television series in history and one of the most recognizable animations in the world. But it has another reputation: that it is capable of predicting different important events.

Berlin Upgrade

Three days is what is left for the Ethereum Berlin update! On the April 14th, the Ethereum Berlin Update will be live! The network’s update was announced on the Ethereum foundation’s official blog on March 8.